Essential information about Dynamic SOQL Query

Essential information about Dynamic SOQL Query

Dynamic SOQL is a feature in Salesforce that enables developers to construct and execute SOQL queries at runtime, allowing for dynamic customization of query strings based on runtime conditions and user inputs. Unlike static SOQL, which is known at compile-time, dynamic SOQL involves building the query as a text string using variables, conditions, and loops. The Database.query() method is used to execute dynamic queries, returning results as a List<SObject>. Security considerations are crucial when using dynamic SOQL to prevent SOQL injection vulnerabilities. It is recommended to utilize binding variables, which act as placeholders for user inputs and ensure they are treated as data, not executable code. By employing dynamic fields, developers can also include field names dynamically in the SELECT clause. Dynamic SOQL’s versatility is especially valuable when the SObject type is unknown at compile-time, as it allows for the use of the SObject type variable. While dynamic SOQL provides flexibility, developers must exercise caution to maintain data security and prevent potential risks associated with runtime query construction.

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