Salesforce Lightning Web Components Developer Guide Chapter 2 Markup Basics

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Developer Guide Chapter 2 Markup Basics

Salesforce Lightning Web Components (LWC) leverage HTML-based markup with additional Lightning-specific features. The primary markup is enclosed within the `<template>` tag, and standard HTML elements, as well as Lightning base components, are used. Directives like property binding (`{property}`) link component properties to HTML attributes, facilitating dynamic content.

For iteration, the `for:each` directive simplifies looping through lists. Conditional rendering is achieved using `if:true` or `if:false` directives. Event handling is implemented through the `on` directive, binding JavaScript methods to specific events. The example snippets illustrate a simple Lightning Web Component displaying a greeting, a card component with property binding, a list iteration, and conditional rendering based on data loading.

Understanding these markup basics is crucial for developing interactive and responsive user interfaces within the Salesforce Lightning framework. Lightning Web Components enable developers to create modular and efficient components, enhancing the customization and user experience of Salesforce applications.

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