Dynamic Apex in Salesforce

Dynamic Apex in Salesforce

Dynamic Apex in Salesforce enables developers to create, compile, and execute Apex code dynamically at runtime. This feature facilitates flexibility and reusability by allowing the construction of code that adapts to varying conditions without hardcoding specific values or logic. Key components include Dynamic SOQL for constructing queries based on runtime conditions, Dynamic DML for performing data manipulation operations dynamically, and the ability to create Apex classes and methods dynamically using the `Type` class.

Developers can also dynamically handle trigger events and leverage the Apex Metadata API to retrieve and modify metadata in Salesforce, such as custom objects and fields. While Dynamic Apex offers powerful capabilities, it should be used cautiously to avoid potential security risks, and inputs should be validated and sanitized to prevent injection attacks. Overall, Dynamic Apex enhances the adaptability of Salesforce applications, allowing for more dynamic and responsive development.

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