How to Avoid the Biggest Security Risks to Your Salesforce Org

How to Avoid the Biggest Security Risks to Your Salesforce Org

Securing your Salesforce org requires a comprehensive approach to mitigate potential risks. Start by enforcing the principle of least privilege, granting users only the necessary permissions. Enable two-factor authentication and employ IP whitelisting to control access. Encrypt data at rest and in transit using Salesforce’s encryption features. Conduct regular security audits and monitor user activity to detect anomalies.

Enforce strong password policies and regularly update them. Utilize Salesforce’s Security Health Check for a comprehensive assessment. Secure APIs with OAuth and limit access to essential functions. Stay up-to-date with Salesforce releases and promptly apply patches to address vulnerabilities. Educate users on security best practices and the importance of recognizing phishing threats. Follow secure coding practices for custom development, and implement regular backups with a solid disaster recovery plan.

By adhering to these practices, you’ll enhance the overall security of your Salesforce org, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of your business processes against potential threats.

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