Platform Events in Salesforce The Definitive Handbook

Platform Events in Salesforce The Definitive Handbook

  • Platform Events in Salesforce: The Definitive Handbook is a comprehensive guide that provides a deep understanding of Platform Events and how they can revolutionize Salesforce implementations. The handbook covers fundamental concepts, such as event-driven architecture, and explains the key components of Platform Events, including event objects, publishers, and subscribers. It offers best practices for designing efficient and scalable event-driven solutions and explores various integration options for seamless real-time communication with external systems.
  • The guide goes beyond the basics and delves into advanced topics like error handling, replayability, event monitoring, and security. It offers techniques for optimizing event performance and troubleshooting common issues. Real-world use cases and success stories are presented to inspire readers and demonstrate the practical applications of Platform Events.
  • By following the guidance in this handbook, readers will become proficient in leveraging Platform Events to build robust and scalable event-driven solutions in Salesforce. The ultimate goal is to unlock the full potential of Platform Events and elevate Salesforce implementations to new heights.
  • This comprehensive resource is a must-have for Salesforce developers, administrators, and architects looking to harness the power of Platform Events for real-time integration and data sharing. With its in-depth explanations, practical examples, and best practices, the handbook empowers readers to make the most of Platform Events and drive business success.

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