Trigger Handler Pattern in Salesforce

Trigger Handler Pattern in Salesforce

The trigger handler pattern in Salesforce is a design approach used to organize and enhance the maintainability of Apex code within triggers. Triggers are snippets of code that respond to specific events in the Salesforce platform, such as record inserts or updates. The trigger handler pattern separates the trigger’s logic into a dedicated class, promoting modularity and clarity. In this pattern, a trigger invokes corresponding methods in the trigger handler class, where the actual business logic resides.

This separation of concerns allows for cleaner, more readable code, making it easier to manage, test, and extend. The trigger handler class encapsulates the logic for various trigger events, such as before insert or after update, fostering reusability and facilitating unit testing. By adopting the trigger handler pattern, Salesforce developers can achieve better organization, maintainability, and scalability in their codebase, enabling efficient development and management of complex applications within the Salesforce ecosystem.

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